Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rush Limbaugh on Japan earthquake

On his show this week, Rush Limbaugh has been completely out of line regarding the recent earthquake in Japan. He has mocked refugees for recycling their garbage, laughing about how ironic it is that a country with environmentally friendly policies has been hit with the enormity of this natural disaster. He called the quake an "ironic payback". In addition to this absurdity, Limbaugh questioned whether environmentalists would be happy or sad about this, because the disaster wiped out the car-manufacturing area of Japan. He also claims that the media has exaggerated the damage of the earthquake, because they want stuff like this. "These people are looking for disaster. They want the nuclear meltdown. They want the Japanese syndrome, if you will. They want this stuff." With over 5,000 dead (to date) and such enormous damage, there is no room for humor or sarcasm. Shame on you, Limbaugh....


  1. This is really disturbing.
    There's no way that he actually believes in what he's saying--it's probably just a way to get more viewers and to stir people up. It is, after all a business.
    At least, that's what I hope because if he is being sincere, that's just sick.

  2. It is disturbing. And i also doubt he is serious about what he is saying, but still....not the right way to get more viewers. He should know better than to make such ridiculous comments and like you said, if he is sincere, that's just sick.

  3. I do think that his comments are unsettling. But as previous comments indicated, Limbaugh does seem to think he is God and therefore can say things like the quake is Japan's "ironic payback."
    But even though I'm a journalism major and I don't want to turn on my own kind, I agree with Limbaugh's statement that the media loves disasters.

  4. I agree with everybody- I think Limbaugh needs to understand that not everything that happens on the planet needs to be about politics. In the same way that he completely left politics out of the murder in Itamar because of the gravity of the tragedy, he needs to keep his personal feelings about the politics involved out of this, at least while people are still suffering. There’s something wrong when a supposedly rational, educated human being living in a Westernized country can laugh at the anguish of his fellow humans, even if politically he feels at odds with them. It seems Rush needs to reassess and reevaluate his values.

  5. i found it rather humorous. Limbaugh consistently does this because he wants to give a different point of view. He knows its terrible but at the same time he's sick of having people who are anti-nuclear power and all the people who constantly shoving environmental protection down his throat to just stop. Also recently it came out that many reports, especailly the coverage of radiation levels were in fact frauds.
